International Tests – info, mandates, results
Special reminder – All players must compete in the IPT OR S A Champs the prior to the tour, to be considered for selection
Please open the following links to view the IPC Rules and the IPC Criteria for hosting a Polocrosse International –
IPC Rules – Amended April 2019 REVISED
Please open and read the following SAEF documents on how to elect coaches, managers , selectors, umpires for tours. The same procedure is used for selecting your PASA and Provincial executives.
Please open the following SAEF National colours policy on how to select national teams.
Below you will find a basic guide written from past experiences on managing and coaching tours, we have included some templates you will find useful –Team-Management-Guide-for-outgoing-and-incoming-tours-1 (2)
Medical questionnaire for junior tours
Medical Consent Form for Junior Polocrosse Tour
SASCOC NC 2 SASCOC NC1 Form – Application for Approval of Participation in an International event pdf
U16 Tour to Australia – Albury 2023
Congratulations to our U16 team coached by Graham Maclarty and Team manager Melanie King who are on their way home from a very successful Test Series.

Melanie King(Manager), Olivia King, Hannah van Wyk, Abbey Hackland, Ruben Vorster, Lance Price Moor, Christopher Thornhill, Nic King, Graham Maclarty (Coach)
Polocrosse Australia’s newly elected President Michael Templeton has deemed it “one of the best test series we’ve seen in this country, for quite some time”. It’s an absolute testament to the members of both teams that such a display of polocrosse was put on, and we have no doubt that these players will battle it out for years to come.
U16 Tour To Australia in April 2023 PASA are proud to announce the following U16 team: –
Ruben Vorster, Nic King, Christopher Thornhill, Lance Price Moor, Hannah Van Wyk, Tristan Van Der Walt, Olivia King and Abbey Hackland.
Coach Graham Maclarty
Manager – Melanie King
We wish this team all the very best for their tour to Aus
Congratulations to the victorious U16 team coached by Gavin Cocker.
The U16 Team won all three test matches against the Zimbabwean U16 team
The Team members were:-
Brad Kent, Lance Price Moor, Jonathan Thornhill, Nic King
Tristan Van Der Walt, Kendra Thomson, Sydney Du Toit and Chloe Hatch
Coach – Gavin Cocker Manager – Melissa Price Moor
The tests were played at the Borrowdale Polocrosse club in Harare over the 26th to the 28th August 2022.
U14 Tour to Zambia:
19th to 21st August 2022
PASA Mandate for official 2022 u14 polocrosse tour to Zambia
Congratulations to the following players who were selected to play in the South African U14 team
Hannah Van Wyk, Tristan Van Der Walt, Thomas Lynn, Nic King, Morgan Du Toit, Christopher Thornhill and Emmy Lou De Jong
Coach – Jean Hackland, Manager Mel King
The tour was a great success with the SA side, coached by Jean Hackland, winning all three test matches. The Zambian side was a very young side and played extremely well. The horses supplied by Zambia were of a very high standard . The Zambian hospitality was exceptional
Congratulations to the following individual prize winners
Best number one- Nic King
Best number two – Emmy Lou De Jong
Best number three – Hanna Van Wyk
Mvp – Tristan Van Der Walt
Golden Pony – Killarney , owned by the Hall family
South Africa awarded a golden pony prize to Armani, owned by the Rae Family
and the Best Zambian player prize to Keegan Rae
The team was made up of children from across the country and chosen after our biggest Junior tournament called the Junior Classic in April this year. Nic King was the captain and his team consisted of Morgan Du Toit, Hannah van Wyk, Christopher Thornhill, Thomas Lyn, Tristan van der Walt and Emmy Lou de Jong.
The team arrived in Zambia on the 16 August and the excitement was at a high level. Never in my life have I been with such a happy team. The singing on the bus and the laughter was contagious and soon Mel King, the manager and I were joining in. We stayed at the most amazing place called the Lion House which has 2 lions on the property. This was fantastic as most of us had never seen a lion so close before.
We arrived quite late on the first day so we settled in and went to meet the opposition at the venue where we were to play. The teams hit it off immediately and set the tone for a competitive tournament where life long friends were going to be made. The second day we had a scheduled time slot to go and ride the horses and start the task of matching horse and rider. The management team consisted of Sarah van Wyk, Mel King and myself and between the 3 of us, we started to feel some possible horse/child combinations were being made. In the afternoon we walked the horses and checked on them. While doing this one of our star players was kicked in the stomach and badly winded. She took a full day to admit how badly she was hurt but eventually ended up in ICU in hospital in Lusaka for a haematoma on the liver.
We had another practice session on the Thursday morning and played paintball in the afternoon. The adults vrs the U14’s. It was so much fun and there was lots of shooting and laughing involved. The end result was a chicken run by the adults where the U14’s could finish off their bullets on the rapidly fleeing grown ups!. It was a dream come true for the kids!!
The first game was upon us before we knew it. We woke up early and did drills and played polocrosse on foot. We were missing Morgan and we all felt it. We rested and ate and talked about horses and tactics until it was time to go to the venue. We arrived and sorted the horses out, the team got dressed and did some drills, we sang the national anthems on horse back and then played our hearts out and won. The children played so well even though it was really the first time actually playing those horses and we had had to change our game plan a bit to make up for the fact that Morgan was not there. The final score was 22 – 13. Our MVP for that game was Nic King who calmly slots the goals away like an experienced adult player. Emmy-Lou and Christopher also need a mention for how well they played in this game.
The second day started with national anthems on foot which enabled the team to get a hold of the microphone and send a shout out to Morgan in the hospital. The game ended in our favour again with the final score being 24 – 13. Our MVP for that game was Hannah van Wyk who couldn’t seem to make a mistake. Tristan and Chris deserve a mention for their outstanding play here too.
The third game had an early start and we had to get up early to pack for the airport as we left from the fields straight after prizegiving. The third game had much less pressure as we had already won the series and the children had worked out how to ride their borrowed horses. The final score was 38-10. Nic won MVP again after scoring 24 of the goals himself! However, his backup of Hannah and Emmy-Lou were outstanding, with both girls not missing pick ups and shining in their positions. The other section of Chris, Thomas and Tristan flew as well. Tristan was phenomenal out the back of the line out and her work on defence was outstanding. Thomas played out of his normal position most of the game and managed to shine never the less. His riding and ball control was a reflection of the effort he puts in at home. Chris managed to score a 6 goal chukka and played out of his boots. He was smiling from ear to ear and I think could go very far in this sport if he carries on like this.
At the prize giving there were also some individual prizes awarded by the Zambian tournament committee; best 1 of the tournament went to Nic King; best 2 of the tournament went to Emmy-Lou de Jong; best 3 went to Hannah van Wyk with the tournament MVP prize going to our very own Tristan van der walt.
The children thanked the grooms who helped them, the horse lenders and the opposition and then we rushed to the airport and flew home exhausted and happy.
With talent like this coming through the ranks we have a lot to look forward to in SA polocrosse. Nic and Tristy were at home for 1 day and then hopped back on a plane to Zimbabwe where they are playing for the SA U16 team! I am sure they had another fantastic tour and shone as future stars of SA polocrosse.
8th to 10th July 2022
PASA Mandate for official U21 SA VS ZAM men’s 2022 tour
PASA Mandate for official U21 SA VS Zim Zam u21 ladies 2022 tour
PASA Mandate senior tour vs Uk 2022
UK vs SA Open men and Ladies, U21 boys vs Zambia and U21 Girls vs Zim/Zam
Open Men’s division winners – South Africa
Open Ladies winners – South Africa
U21 Men winners – Zambia
U21 ladies winners – South Africa
Best u21 lady Number one – Lara Van Der Heide (Zambia)
Best u21 Lady Number two – Stacey Wheeler (SA)
Best u21 Lady number three – Erin Walisko (Zambia)
Best u21 Men’s Number one – Andrew Mawson (Zambia)
Best U21 Men’s number two – Ahmed Patel (Zambia)
Best U21 Men’s number three – Andrew Hall (Zambia)
Best Horse in the u21 men’s division – Trump, owned
Best Horse in U21 ladies – Queen, owned by Samantha Gilson
Best Ladies Number one – Lauren Heynes (SA)
Best Ladies Number two – Chelsea McDonald (SA)
Best Ladies Number Three – Amy Cocker (SA)
Best Ladies Horse of the tournament – Sir Thomas, owned by Gavin Cocker and ridden by Amy Cocker
Best Ladies horse chosen by the UK – Bolt owned by Lauren Heynes,
Best Men’s number one – John Rae (SA)
Best Men’s number two – Johan De Jager (SA)
Best Men’s number three – Chad Von Benecke (SA)
Best Men’s horse of the tournament– Upstream owned by John Rae
Best Men’s horse selected by the UK – Punch line, owned by John Rae
Underberg host the 2022 UK Open and U21 polocrosse test matches 5th to the 10th July
The Underberg Polocrosse club along with the Underberg Country club hosted the 2022 Polocrosse International test series between the South African Open Men’s and ladies teams vs the UK and also the South African U21 men’s team vs the Zambian u21 men’s team and the South African u21 ladies team versus a combination of four Zimbabwean u21 ladies and four Zambian U21 Ladies
112 horses and 57 players arrived in Underberg for the test series. The much anticipated horse draw took place on Tuesday 5th July. Each South African player had to supply four horses. The horses were divided into two equal pools of fourteen horses and the teams drew for a pool of horses. There are always some firm favourites and we saw some elated players and some pensive players after the draw.
The teams had 3 days to practice on their horses and by Thursday afternoon every player was ready for the test matches to start.
The official introduction evening was held at the stunning Glencairn Wedding venue on Thursday evening. A huge thank you to Glaincairn and all the people who helped there. The hall was beautifully decorated and over 250 guests sat down to meet the teams. Local school children performed a very energetic dance for the visitors, teams were introduced by their captains, photos of the evening and all three days play were taken by our official photographer, Shannon Gilson. All photos can be viewed on Shannons’s webpage.
Gallop TV and Steve Gilson partnered to film all three days of play and live stream them across the world. Thank you to Alison Vorster for sponsoring the Vodacom data for the weekend. The very entertaining barefoot Underberg commentator, Gwyn Viljoen and his assistant Brendon Blore commentated tirelessly all weekend. The Underberg vets were on duty along with farrier, Ian Lynn, Kerry Lynn worked tirelessly as the Horse Welfare officer along with her team of horse coordinators. The Underberg Medic team kept all the players patched up and safe. There was an estimated crowd of over 1000 people at the Underberg Polocrosse grounds on Sunday alone. The food stands and flea market were very busy throughout the day and created a very festive atmosphere for the spectators.
The Polocrosse Association of South African is most grateful to the many sponsors who helped make the test series a success. L T Earth Movers and Agri, Choice Carriers, Shiptech, Thekwini Toyota Kokstad, Garrun Underberg, Berg Dairies, Fire Hawk, Any Logos, Afgri, Simpson Consulting, Loco, Omnia Nutriology, Amy King Legal, Inkosi inc, Farmfert, Super Beef, Khotso, The Buyer Sam, SMP, Gavsteel, I love Guava, SA association of Professional Farriers, Down Under Stud, Back 2 Pack Packaging, Vendium , Robert Clarence, MVW, Hello Panda, Paragon, RJCO, The Beauty Bar, Cascor Projects, FT series, Shantui and Powerstar
A big thank you to the Underberg Polocrosse club members for all their work to make this event such a big success. A special mention to Trace and Melissa Price Moor for all their work. Thank you to Steven Rault and all his umpires. To Gavin Cocker for chairing the tournament committee. Thank you to the Underberg Country Club for all their support and catering. Thank you to all the team managers who worked tirelessly preparing everything for their teams. Thank you to Ashleigh Shaw for running the secretarial side of the event. To Jenny Firth for organising the programme, stables, umpire ponies and all her work in the horse care team.
Thank you to all the Underberg community for their sponsorship and support, without you this event would not have taken place. We look forward to playing more international Polocrosse tournaments in Underberg.
Zim/Zam u21 ladies and the SA u21 ladies.
The SA u21 ladies team was coached by Gordon Shaw with assistant coach Ashleigh Shaw and the team manager was Emma Hall. The team consisted of Sam Gilson (captain), Stacey Wheeler, Shana Beukes, Jeanique Roodman, Megan Hatch, Megan Vorster and Fiona Lin.
The game started with South Africa taking an early lead after the first chukka, however the Zim/Zam team slowly caught up to SA and by the end of the fifth chukka Zim/Zam had a five goal lead on SA. South Africa’s Megan Vorster scored an incredible seven goals in the sixth chukka which helped close the gap, Megan’s section included Megan Hatch as the two and Sam Gilson as the three, Jeanique Roodman then proceeded to score five goals in the seventh chukka with Zim/Zam not scoring at all. Jeanique’s section included Shana Beukes as the two and Fiona Lin as the three. The South African U21 ladies won their first very exciting test match by two goals, the final score was SA-24, Zim/Zam -22
South African open ladies team vs the UK ladies.
This game was won convincingly by the very young South African ladies team who were coached by Henry Harris with assistant coach – Maverick Gillespie and they were managed by Sam Hewiston. The final score was SA 35 UK 10. The South African ladies team consisted of Elri De Jager (captain), Lauren Heynes (15yrs), Amy Cocker (16 yrs), Olivia King (15yrs) Tayla Mansfield (22yrs), Hannah Hatch (22yrs) and Chelsea Mcdonald (24yrs). The future of South African ladies Polocrosse is looking promising with this young team already playing at such a high standard. We saw Lauren Heynes score six goals in the fourth chukka and Elri DeJager six goals in the seventh Chukka. Amy Cocker and Olivia King were very solid in their three positions with Tayla, Chelsea and Hannah playing in the two position where they all made a big impact.
U21 men vs Zambia U12 men.
The South African u21 team was coached by Andrew Heynes and assistant coach Ryk Roodman. Karen Choice was their manager. The team was made up of Trent Cocker (captain), Hylton Choice, Wian Botha, Ruben Vorster, TR Visser, Paulo De Franca and Andrew Lynn. Many of these young men were representing South Africa for the first time. The game was very even up to the end of the fourth Chukka with SA in the lead by one goal. Andrew Lyn playing in the one position managed to score five goals in the fifth chukka with Wian Botha as his two and Ruben Vorster as his three, the Zambians came back at SA during the seventh chukka with Andrew Mawson scoring five goals, however the South Africans managed to secure the game in the 8th Chukka with a great combination of play between Trent Cocker, Paulo Defranca and Hylton Choice.
SA Men and the UK men.
The South African men’s team was coached by James Hackland with assistant coach Camilla Kidson and they were managed by Karen Cocker. The team was captained by seasoned world cup player Jan Albert Steenkamp, the balance of the team consisted of Stefan Harris, John Rae, Kenan Classen, Josh LeRoux, Johan De Jager and Chad Von Benecke. Many of these men players have come through the junior ranks and were capped for their first time in the senior division at this tournament. Again PASA are very excited about the young talent coming forward. The SA men took an early lead, with coach Hackland testing many different combinations. The highest scoring one on Friday was Jannie Steenkamp who scored five goals in the fifth chukka. The final score was SA 29, UK 16
U21 ladies game
The Zim/Zam ladies took an early lead to the game, they were more confident on their horses and looked very determined. Julia Small scored five goals in their first chukka, the scoring after that was fairly low but Zim/Zam were consistently in the lead. South African Megan Vorster had another huge chukka in the 8th chukka scoring another 7 goals, however this was unfortunately just not enough to catch up to the Zim/Zam score. The final score was – Zim/Zam 21 & SA 18
Open Ladies – SA 29 – UK 10
The Score after chukka one was level with 2 goals each. Lauren Heynes came on in the second chukka with Chelsea McDonald as her two and Olivia King as her three and she scored five goals to the UK’s one goal. Chukka three saw Tayla Mansfield in the one position with Hannah Hatch as the two and Amy Cocker as the three. Tayla scored four goals, Amy was solid in defence and did not let any UK goals through. The SA ladies continued with their great play and won the game.
U21 Men – SA 19 – Zambia 21
Zambia took an early lead with Andrew Mawson scoring six goals in the third chukka, by the end of the seventh chukka Zambian had 21 goals to South Africa’s 13 goals. Trent, Paulo and Hylton came on for the 8th chukka and managed to score six goals. This was the only chukka Zambia did not score any goals. Sadly this was not enough for the South African team to catch up and they lost to Zambia by just 2 goals, if only they had another two minutes!!
Open Men SA 41 – UK 14
The South African men started with a huge chukka, with Chad as the one, Kenan as the two and Jannie as the three, they scored seven goals to zero. Once again many different combinations were used, showing off the versatility of the South African team. There were a few top scoring number ones, Chad another 6 goals in the third chukka, John and Jannie with 5 goals each in the fourth and fifth chukkas and Stefan with seven goals in the sixth chukka.
U21 ladies – SA 24 – Zim/Zam 15.
This was a very exciting game as it was a final. The South African Team took a firm lead early in the game, the score levelled out slightly but Megan Vorster smashed in another 7 goals during her 6th Chukka with Sam Gilson as the three and Stacey Wheeler as the two. Zim/Zam’s Julia Small pumped through 5 goals in the seventh chukka but were unable to catch up to the victorious South African Team. Samantha Gilson’s horse Queen was awarded the Pony prize.
U21 Men – SA 16 – Zambia 26.
This game was also a final. The Zambian team started strong with a very good first chukka scoring five goals. The score levelled out after the 5th Chukka with Zambia only leading by one goal, however all the damage was done in the 6th chukka where Zambia scored 7 goals. South Africa just could not catch up to Zambia in the remaining two chukkas. Overall great Polocrosse was played, a few costly mistakes were made in crucial chukkas, which goes hand in hand with inexperience. It was very clear to see that there is huge potential in both the teams for future open sides. The overall Pony prize for the best horse in this division went to Trump, owned by Hylton Choice. The Zambian Team also gave Trump the pony prize for the best horse in their pool
Open Ladies – SA 35 – UK 9
The South African ladies continued to play exceptionally well with the UK ladies not knowing how to counteract the accurate passes and quick goals, not to mention the tough defence the SA ladies showed. Lauren Heynes scored 9 goals in chukka 6, with Olivia playing three and Chelsea as the two, both giving Lauren solid support. Tayla Mansfield shared the one position in the other section with Elri DeJager. Both Tayla and Elri were steady up front and both players switched easily to share the number two position with Hannah Hatch. Amy played all her four chukkas as the three in that section and only allowed 3 goals past her in the whole game. Amy’s horse Sir Thomas won best horse of the tournament, only one goal went past Thomas over all three test matches.
The UK ladies Team gave a pony prize for the best horse in their pool to Bolt, owned by Lauren Heynes.
Open Men – SA 31 – Uk 18
The final game of the weekend saw better play from the UK men’s team however the SA team still dominated. The Overall pony prize for the best horse went to John Rae’s horse – Upstream. The UK men also gave a pony prize to the best horse in their pool and this went to John Rae’s horse Punchline
Summary of the Tour:
Our junior development team has just returned from a wonderful tour to Zimbabwe. The team consisted of 6 girls and 6 boys.
Tristan Van Der Walt, Jeanique Roodman (Ladies captain), Sydney Du Toit,
Morgan Du Toit, Abbey Hackland and Kayla Heynes
The Boys were LJ Van Der Nest, Christopher Thornhill, Mwalimu Modise (captain), James Taylor,
Lance Price Moor and Daniel Haldane.
We were really fortunate to have our Junior team sponsored by Firehawk, Thank you to Firehawk for all your sponsorhip, we really appreciate it.
These tours are great starting blocks for our future national players. Young players get to experience a test match environment where they have to ride strange horses and play against similar strength players from Zimbabwe.
This is an unofficial tour and is focused on developing future players.
We saw such a great improvement in all the players and we were very, very proud of all of our players.
Thank you to Gavin Cocker for coaching these teams. We look forward to the next development tour.
Veterans Tour to Zimbabwe
Two Veterans teams travelled to Zimbabwe to play in Bulawayo against the Zimbabwean veterans.
The Mixed team was made up of 4 men and 4 ladies,
Glen Haldane, Gordon Shaw, Gavin Cocker and Andrew Heynes
Jean Hackland, Ashleigh Shaw, Karen Cocker and Heather Campbell
The Veterans B side consisted of Ryk Roodman, Mike Taylor, Trace Price Moor, Allan Oates,
Paul Davison, Francois Du Toit and Andrew Van Der Walt.
The vets had an incredible tour. Some of the families drove up to Victoria falls and then joined everyone for two nights at the Inganyana game lodge in Hwange, where we got to meet a lot of the Zimbabwean players. There were a total of 70 Polocrosse players at Inganyana. We did not see much game, I think it was a bit too noisy!
We then went to Bulawayo and were given our pool of horses, fortunately we all managed to find a horse that suited us.
The mixed games were very competitive, with South Africa winning all the games, the B div games were dominated by South Africa.
Congratulations to all the vets, for making the tour really memorable (especially the story of Bobjan which is burned into our memories for eternity), and for supporting the Junior teams.
One has to comment on the incredible Zimbabwean hospitality, we were given meals, cars and beds.
The Zimbabwean teams could not do enough for the South Africans.
SA U14 vs Zambia 2019
Congratulations to our U14 Team who played against Zambia over the 9th, 10th and 11th August at the Leopards Hill Polocrosse Club in Lusaka
The South African U14 Team :
Hylton Choice – Captain, Amy Cocker – Vice Captain, Lauren Heynes, Megan Vorster, Ruben Vorster, Olivia King, Fiona Lin, Chloe Hatch
Coach – Beth Maclarty
Manager – Melanie King
Zambia won all 3 test matches.
The third test match was closely contested and Zambia won by one goal in the last seconds of the game, our South African U14 team played very well and steadily improved under the guidance of their coach Beth Maclarty. It was a wonderful experience for all our players to ride different horses and to play in another country. Thank you to the Zambian Polocrosse Association and to the Zambian Parents for the incredible hospitality and generosity.
This tour was played over the same weekend as the Timm Memorial Tournament – 19th to the 21st July 2019.
The following U19 ladies were selected to play for South African Presidents side:
Kayleigh Van Wyk, Hannah Hatch, Sam Gilson, Megan Hatch, Tayla Von Benecke, Paige Pretorius, Lauren Heynes and Amy Cocker
Coached by – Leigh Higgs
The following U19 Men were selected to play for South African Presidents side:
Chad Von Benecke, Joshua Le Roux, Keenan Classen, Jens Bunge, Robbie Anderson, Trent Cocker, Jason Fletcher and Ricus Cilliers
Coached by -Graham Maclarty and Brad Hunter
The Barbarian Ladies Team
Gemma Stuart – Aus, Julia Stuart – Aus, Teagan Bristow – UK, Grace Tye – Nz, Lara Van De Heide – Zambia, Inda Kragolsen- Cryer – SA, Caitlin Cornelius – NZ
Coached by – Jacquie Minnaar
The Barbarian U19 Men
Dane Myers – Aus, Campbell Rose – Aus, Tawa Holyoake – NZ, Josh Simms-Folwer -NZ, Andrew Mawson – Zambia, Andrew Hall – Zambia, Fin Bristow – UK
Coached by -Travis Timm and Retief Steenkamp
SA Men Beat the Barbarian Men 3-0
Barbarian ladies beat the SA ladies 3 -0
The tour went off very well, the barbarian players were treated to a trip to Springbok Lodge at the Nambithi game reserve, a trip to the Nelson Mandela capture site, a shopping trip to Bombers in Pmb. Cheese and wine tasting and much more! Great friends were made and memories which wont be forgotten to easily!
All the games were very closely contested and made for some very nail biting polocrosse
Individual prizes went to:
Best Lady number 1- Julia Stuart (Aus)
Best Lady number 2 – Lara Van Der Heide (Zambia)
Best lady number 3 – Gemma Stuart (Aus)
Most valuable lady player – Julia Stuart
Best ladies pony – Bolt , owned by Lauren Heynes
Best Men’s number 1 – Chad Von Benecke
Best Men’s number 2 – Joshua Simms Fowler(NZ)
Best Men’s number 3- Keenan Classen
Most Valuable Men’s player – Chad Von Benecke
Best Men’s horse – Cuzzie owned by Chad Von Benecke
We would like to extend a huge Thank you to our coaches, Graham Maclarty, Travis Timm, Leigh Higgs, Jacquie Minnaar, Bruce Maclarty, Jan Albert Steenkamp and Retief Steenkamp. The world cup team gave their time and expertise to our future players, we appreciate all you did for the U19s, Thank you!
Congratulations to our U16 South African Team who played against the UK U16 team at the Arden Polocrosse Club in Warwickshire over the 30th July to the 1st August 2019,
Our South African U16 Team played extremely well and won all three test matches against the UK.
The South African U16 Team –
Nikita Gilks, Bianca Du Toit, Carah Koekemoer, Sydney Viljoen, Jake Shaw, Jamin Schuch – Captain , Andrew Lynn, Sven Bunge
Coach – Caroline Minnaar
Manager – Vanessa Gilks
Well done to the following players for their individual prizes
Best Male SA – Jamin Schuch
Best Female SA – Sydney Viljoen
Best male horse – Sabre, owned by Boy Wilson Fitzgerald
Best female horse – Little Millar owned by Alice Power
Best Male UK – Boy Wilson Fitzgerald
Best Female UK – Teagan Bristow
Best Male Horse – Banjo owned by Charlie Kish
Best Female Horse – Diesel owned by Jason Webb
2019 World Cup
For all information on the 2019 World cup please go to the Adina World Cup webpage
Congratulations to our South African team for playing so well and making it to the finals , Australia were the winners.
Our SA Team was – Jan Albert Steenkamp – Captain, Graham Maclarty, Travis Timm , Retief Steenkamp, Natalie Maclarty, Leigh Higgs , Caley Higgs and Jacquie Minnaar.
A big thank you must go out to all the massive team support staff and management
The Coach – Bruce Maclarty
Assistant Coach – Brent Von Benecke
Manager – Helene Steenkamp
Horse care – Bridget Von Benecke, Beth Maclarty, Camilla Harris
Josh Le Roux, Ricus Celliers, Tayla Von Benecke
House keeping – Steve Gilson, Erna and Richard Meeka,
Photography – Shannon Gilson, Steve Gilson
Umpiring Team – Debi Dick, Patrick O’Sullivan and Gavin Flowers
Psychology – Kirsten Van Eeden
Physiotherapist – Candice Mitchelson
To all our 2019 World Cup Sponsors, thank you for all your support
We cannot express our gratitude enough, sponsors came forward and made the 2019 World Cup a reality for the South African Team. A huge thank you to our main sponsor , Big Sky Ranch. Thank you to all our other sponsors, as you can see from the list below there are some new sponsors and many well know sponsors who have sponsored many Internationals and High Goals, thank you for your loyalty and for believing in our team and for helping to grow our sport. Thank you to our most recent sponsors, Baker McVeigh, Epol, Farmers Agri Care and Freedom of Movement for your sponsorship of much needed kit.
Thank you to Freedom of Movement for ensuring our World Cup men look as handsome as possible on and off the field with the best Vellies and Belts. Anything purchases from FOM will be worth it.
2018 Junior Tour – U14 and U16 versus Barbarians.
The tour was played at Shongweni Polocrosse Club over the 17th to 19th August. We invited players from Australian, Uk, Zambia and New Zealand to come to South Africa and play in a barbarian team against our South African players. The tour was a huge success, our visitors all got to play at the local Paddock Tournament and were treated to Zip lining and game viewing. Thank you to the Paddock club for assisting us. The players then all traveled up to Shongweni where they spent the week getting used to their horses. They managed to do quite a bit of sight seeing at the Lion park, Phezulu Village and Ushaka. The test matches were run over three days. The SA U14 team managed to win in the third test match by one goal, very exciting polocrosse indeed. The U16 team lost all three tests but steadily improved and had a brilliant last test match where the score was even by the end of the 6th chukka. Thank you to our SA parents, who helped with horse coordinating, managing, kit orders, fund raising, hosting and driving! Thank you to our coaches Caroline Minaar, Henry Harris, Beth Maclarty, Graham Maclarty and Michael Semmens. Thank you to Bruce Maclarty for supplying horses for the Paddock Tournament and the tests and for all your help in coordinating this tour.
A very big thank you to all our sponsors, especially Moringa, the Tack Shack and Land Rover Durban
A great number of new friendships were made and polocrosse was the winner at the end of the day!
Coach – Gavin Cocker
Manager – Annelie Van Jarsveld
Paula Maclarty – Captain
Courtney Odell
Chelsea Macdonald
Tayla Mansfield
Chad Von Benecke
Keenan Classen
Brian Cooper
Josh Le Roux
The South African Team won all three test matches. Best lady player went to Courtney Odell and best Mens player was Chad Von Benecke.
2018 U19 Tour Vs UK , Mooi River
The U19’s played against UK teams in three unofficial tests .
The Men lost 2 tests to 1 and the ladies won all three of their tests.
U 19 Ladies
Hannah Hatch, Sam Gilson, Cameron Minaar, Candice Odell, Savanah Kenny, Clio Strydom and Tara Rutherford
Ladies Coach – Gordon Shaw
Ladies Manager -Sam Hatch
U 19 Men
Jens Bunge, Francois Koekemoer, Callum Shaw, Marc Ward, Kegan Staniland, Rikus Cilliers and Jason Fletcher
Men’s Coach – Andrew Heynes
Men’s Manager – Collette Staniland
The SA U14 Team and management
Amy Cocker
Angus Dick
Nikita Gilks
Lauren Heynes
Andrew Lynn
Yamin Schuch
Jake Shaw
Coach: Ross Beukes
Ass Coach: Gordon Shaw
Manager: Vanessa Gilks
Daniel Mawson
Louie Jones
Andrew Hall
Amorette Du Toit
Oliver Snart
Ricardo Taljaard
Coach – Rory Logan
Manager – Matt Mawson
Umpire – Richard Chappel
Horse Care – Kelly Krynauw

The U14 Test series was a great success. The Zambian and U14 side were hosted by Paddock Club from the 30th June. The SA U14 side set up a very efficient camp site and managed to feed both teams for a week. Thank you to Vanessa and Mark Gilks, Eduard Schuch, Kerry and Ian Lynn, and Gavin Cocker for all their help with the camp site. The horse draw took place on Monday morning. The players practiced during the mornings and spent the afternoons together. The teams were very kindly sponsored Zip lining tickets by Lake Eland. Great fun was had by all!. Wednesday afternoon was spent at the beach with both teams and our grooms. The life saver on duty blew his whistle constantly trying to keep our very excited grooms and players in the safe swimming area!
The teams had a great formal evening at The Gorge Hotel on the Thursday evening and the first test match started on Friday. The South African side lost to Zambia by just two goals. The Saturday test match was also very exciting with the South AFrican side losing by four goals. The third and final test match was played on Sunday and Zambia ran away with it. One has to mention the Mawson brothers from Zambia. They both played exceptionally well and Daniel walked away with best number one and best overall payer. Andrew Mawson won best number three. Lauren Heynes won best lady player and Jamin Schuch was awarded the best South African male player. Lauren Heyne’s horse – Cup Cake was awarded best pony. I think Daniel Mawson was hoping to take Cup Cake home in his suitcase, they made a formidable team!
The young South African team played above all expectations, all thanks must go to their coach Ross Beukes and assistant coach Gordon Shaw. Thank you also to all the parents who so willingly assisted with the catering and transport to and from various activities. Thank you to Paddock Club and the Pretorius Family for a wonderful venue where such care is taken of every small detail, our grooms had an endless supply of hot water for the week. Thank you to Manfred our vet from Baker Macveigh. A huge thank you must go out to the horse owners who lent their horses to the teams. The teams had above average horses in their pools and were very greatful. Thank you to Shannon Gilson for driving down especially to be with us on Thursday evening then back to Kokstad to photograph a bull sale and then back to Paddock for the polocrosse! Such an amazing lady, Shannon. Great friendships were made and a great tour was had by all.
U16, U19– SA vs Zam Mixed Team (14/15/16 July 2017 – Richmond)
The weekend was a great success. The Zambian u16 section combined with the SA U19b section and played against our SA U16 Team. The SA U16 team won all three test matches. The Best male U16 player went to Robbie Anderson and the best female U16 player was awarded to Clio Strydom. The best horse in this division was awarded to Tombi owned by Lauren Kuhn.
The SA U19 team beat the Zambian U19 team in all three test matches. The Zambian mens section however managed to outscore the SA mens section in two of the test matches and they drew in the third test match. The U19 SA ladies were outstanding and untouchable and beat the Zambian ladies convincingly thus giving SA enough goals to win the three test matches. The Zambian team improved steadily proving that competitions such as these are important for the future of African polocrosse. The best lady player was awarded to Paige Pretorius and the best male player was awarded to John Rae. The best horse in this division was awarded to Sweet November, owned by the Pretorius family.
The SA U16 Team
Jens Bunge (cpt)
Clio Strydom
Trent Cocker
Micha Van Coller
Robert Anderson
Taylor Von Benecke
Istvan Schuch
Sam Gilson
Coach- Luke Rauch
Managers – Paula and Dudley Anderson
U19 – SA Team (14/15/16 July 2017 – Richmond)
Chad Von Benecke (cpt)
Keighley Van Wyk
Keenan Claasen
Paige Pretorius
Joshua Le Roux
Taylor Mansfield
Connor Beukes
Courtney Odell
Coach – Henry Harris
U19 – Rovers Section (14/15/16 July 2017 – Richmond)
Stuart Odell
Ethan Gourley
Rickus Cilliers
Joel Visser
Coach – Andrew Heynes
Senior Australian Tour Results – April 2017
Here are the results of the Senior Australian tour and a big congrats to the men for a 3/3 victory. And a special congratulations to the individual prize winners. Well done to the ladies on their huge improvement in test 3.
Ladies SA 14 Australia 25
Lady of the match Laura Donnelly
Men SA 31 Australia 21
Man of the Match Travis Timm
Ladies SA 14 Australia 30
Lady of the Match Lucy Grills
Men SA 28 Australia 24
Man of the Match Graham Maclarty
Ladies SA 19 Australia 25
Lady of the Match Jean Hackland
Men SA 28 Australia 27
Man of the Match Will Weston
Player of the series Graham Maclarty
2017 QUADRANGULAR – 9th -11th June 2017
The following teams played in an unofficial Quadrangular series between South Africa, UK and USA. The event was hosted by Mooi River . The winners of the Quadrangular Mens division were the SA Mens A side, second was the USA side , with the UK coming third and the SA Mens B fourth. The SA Ladies A Side won the ladies division with the UK coming second , the SA Ladies B coming third and the USA ladies coming fourth
Ladies A:
Jean Hackland
Ashleigh Shaw
Sarah Van Wyk
Camilla Harris
Caroline Minaar
Jacquie Minaar
Tarryn Higgs
Amber Pretorius
Coach – Gavin Cocker
Manager – Karen Cocker
Mens A:
Jannie Steenkamp
Retief Steenkamp
Andrew Heynes
Luke Rauch
Scott Hosking
Stefan Harris
Ross Odell
Dane Csaszar
Coach- Bruce Maclarty
Manager – Andrew Odel
Mens B:
Glen Haldane – capt
Shane Mansfield
Alastair Armitage
Sean Gilson
Brian Cooper
Maverick Gillespie
Craig Buss
Craig Stoltz
Coach – Gordon Shaw
Ladies B
Ashley Cooper
Michelle Roods
Jenny Firth
Candice Michelson
Megan Soal
Belinda Dunford Campbell
Camilla Le Grange
Brya Gillespie
Coach – Brent Von Benecke
2016 Tour Results:
Junior International against Australia and Veterans International against Zambia
Day 1 – 15 July 2016
U16 – AUS 28 SA 13
Veterans – SA 26 Zambia 16
U21 – SA 28 Aus15
DAY 2: 16 July
Vets SA 26 Zambia 17
U16 – Aus 26 SA 10
U21- Aus 29 SA 17
Day 3 – 17th July
Vets- SA 25 Zam 11
U16 – Aus 26 SA 14
U21 – Aus 30 SA 22
U16 – Team
Coach – Jan Albert Steenkamp
Ass Coach – Graham Maclarty Nyati
Manager- Derrick & Juliette Claasen
Clio Strydom from Saldanha
Kayleigh Van Wyk from Nyati
Paige Pretorius from Paddock
Sam Gilson from Kargs Post
Chad Von Benneke from Shongweni
Conor Beukes from Walkerville
Jens Bunge from Paddock
Kenan Claasen from Paddock
Coach – Henry Harris
Ass Coach – Andrew Heynes
Manger – Sam Hewitson
Amber Pretorius from Paddock
Jacqui Minnaar from Umvoti
Natalie Maclarty from Nyati
Taylor Mansfield from PE
Ross Beukes from Walkerville
Ross Odell from Hilton
Shane Mansfield from PE
Stefan Harris from Nyati
The Veterans
Patrick O’Sullivan – Coach
Ron Sparrow – Manager
Nicola Rae
Ashleigh Shaw
Patrick O’sullivan
Mark Rubin
Mike Elston
Nick De Jong
Steve Gilson
Ron Sparrow
Well Done to the SA U14 team who won their 2016 test series against Zambia two games to one!
The Team:
Coach – Luke Rauch from Saldanha,
Assistant Coach – Gavin Cocker from Shongweni
Manager – Brent & Sally Le Roux from Hilton
Ishvan Schuch from Limpopo
Jake Shaw from Bishopstowe
Joshua Le Roux from Hilton
Micha Van Coller from Saldanha
Robert Anderson from Mooi River
Tayla Von Benneke from Shongweni
Trent Cocker from Shongweni